Get Started in Visual Media

The Visual Media program, which replaces the previous Commercial Photography program, is a rigorous 2-year curriculum providing the framework for a strong portfolio and guidance for career preparation, whether as an entrepreneur or as a visual communications professional.

Entry into the program is competitive. New students are only admitted for Fall Quarter, which ensures the development of a tight cohort for the duration of the program.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Be eligible for Math 081 Pre-Algebra and English 101 Composition. To show that you meet these requirements, you can either take a placement test or provide transcripts from any previously attended accredited institution(s).

Steps to Enroll

  1. Attend a Visual Media Information Session or contact the department for more information (strongly recommended).
  2. Complete the 5-Step Enrollment Process for Seattle Central College, which includes submitting an application and placement for classes (testing and/or transcript evaluation). Acceptance to Seattle Central College does not guarantee entrance into the Visual Media program. To ensure the application process to the Visual Media program is complete, you must follow all the steps below.
  3. Meet with an Advisor to evaluate your eligibility, issue the proper form and open a file with the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences office.
  4. Students wishing to enter the program must submit an entrance portfolio that will be evaluated by faculty members in the Visual Media program.
  5. Once your entrance portfolio has been approved, you have completed the application process for the Visual Media program. Your name will be added to the list at the next update. 

Skill Requirements / Portfolio Review

Students wishing to enter this program must also submit an entrance portfolio that will be evaluated by faculty members in the Visual Media. Students are not eligible to enter the program until their portfolio has been approved.

DOWNLOAD Fall 24 Portfolio Submission Guidelines (pdf).

Once your entrance portfolio has been approved you have completed the application process to the Visual Media Program. Your name will be added to the list at the next update.

Portfolio Review Dates for Fall 2024

The Visual Media program is now accepting portfolio submission for Fall 2024. You may submit your portfolio anytime until the program has reached capacity. You are encouraged to apply sooner rather than later as often, the program reaches capacity before Summer quarter. The program is Fall entry only. The website ( ) will state the program has reached capacity for the fall 2024.

All work should be placed in a folder and compressed (zipped) and e-mailed to

Important Notes

Open House:

We strongly recommend that you attend an Open House about this program at your earliest convenience. Open House is scheduled at the beginning of each quarter from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on the fifth floor of the main building. You may drop in anytime, and no RSVP is required.

  • Fall 2023 – October 18th
  • Winter 2024 – January 25th
  • Spring 2024 – April 24th


Enrollment and Registration

Prospective students on the Approved List will be contacted by e-mail late in Spring Quarter. The program will be filled in the order applicants were placed on the Approved List. If the program reaches capacity before we are able to offer you a position, you will be invited to declare your wish to remain available to fill any late openings, or defer to the following year.

DEFERRAL: Students on the Approved List may defer entry by one year with an email request to the Division Office. This can be done only one time, at that time no further process will be necessary.

For more information, please visit Seattle Central Creative Academy program website.